Thursday, March 12, 2009

This and that...

This time change has me all messed up!  I can't seem to get up in the mornings and I can't get to sleep at night.  Ugh.. I hope I get used to it quickly.

The first week of March,  Carl, Kelly & I went to Branson for 5 days. The first morning we woke up there, it had snowed.  It was supposed to do it at home but nothing happened here.  We ended up staying in the cabin the whole day long. be truthful, the fact that we were at the bottom of a huge hill may have had some kind of effect on our decision to stay in... lol.  It warmed up the next day and melted most of it off though. :)  We never did much of anything.  Shopped at an old 5 & 10 store, went to a science center, saw a show, had a few meals out... just enjoyed the down time.  Sarah stayed home as she had a lot of things scheduled that weekend.

My nephew and his wife's first son was born on March 9th.  Kaleb arrived very early (almost 3 months) on Monday and is in Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis.  His parents live in Southeast Missouri and have 2 young children already.  Please pray for family strength, good health for Kaleb, safe travel or anything you may feel in your heart to pray.   You can see a picture of him if you'd like at this link


  1. Hi Kathie !! you say you didn't do a lot but i think you've done many things in a few days .. and the most important is distresed and enjoying time ! ...
    I'm sending prayers to help this new born and his family ... babies are so fragile ....
    Many hugs !

  2. OH OH OH You changed the theme ( ok here goes nuttin )Testing!!!

  3. YESSSSSSSSSS It posted!!

    It looks so cute in here!!

    Sounds like you are busy busy!!

    AWWW good day to be born HAHAH ( my birthday! )

    Have a WONDERFUL day ok!
